City of Houston
City of Houston 311
311 is the City of Houston’s non-emergency department directory and self-service city request line. In addition to the 311 website and online service requests, agents are available 24/7 to answer your calls. You can contact 311 via phone at 311 or 713-837-0311. The 311 website allows the citizens of Houston to access information, request city services and report problems at any time of the day or night. The City of Houston also has a Houston 311 app available for Apple and Android users. Most common reports to 311 from Westbury are skipped trash, new trash cans, heavy trash violations, and nuisance on property complaints. |
Westbury became a recognized SuperNeighborhood in 2005. The Westbury SuperNeighborhood is led by the Westbury Civic Club Board President and the Westbury Area Improvement Corporation President. The Westbury SuperNeighborhood meeting is also the monthly meeting for the Westbury Area Improvement Corporation.
The City of Houston allows the establishment of Management districts (also called Improvement districts). There are 53 Management districts in Houston. They are set up through the State of Texas and are taxing entities that tax commercial properties only. Westbury is located within the Brays Oaks Management District (BOMD).
The purpose of the Brays Oaks Management District - conduct business, invest, and enhance the physical, social, and economic well-being of the community it serves. The BOMD is empowered to finance services and projects related to public-safety, mobility and transportation, beautification and urban design, and business and economic development. In Westbury, the BOMD maintains the esplanades along the commercial corridors of West Bellfort and Chimney Rock. They also have a graffiti abatement team that can be contacted via the BOMD website. |
A division of Harris County are the Harris County Constables. They are divided into 8 precincts. The Westbury Civic Club's largest program is a PAID CONTRACT with Harris County Constable Precinct 5 for our Westbury Area Patrol. Since 1980 the licensed law enforcement deputies of Precinct 5 have been patrolling the streets of Westbury giving residents an extra layer of security. To request a vacation watch or special watch click the link below.